Can you reheat edge banding?

Reheating edge banding is generally not recommended. Edge banding adhesive, whether it’s hot melt adhesive or another type, is designed to create a strong and lasting bond when initially applied and activated. Once the adhesive has fully set or cured, reheating the edge banding is unlikely to achieve the same level of bonding strength, and it may result in a less reliable bond.

reheat edge banding

If you need to remove or reposition edge banding, it’s typically better to apply new edge banding rather than attempting to reheat and reuse the existing banding. Here’s how you can address different situations involving edge banding:

  1. Removing Edge Banding: If you need to completely remove edge banding, you can use a heat gun or edge banding iron to heat the adhesive, which will soften it and allow you to carefully peel off the edge banding. Be cautious while doing this to avoid damaging the underlying substrate.
  2. Repositioning Edge Banding: If you’ve applied edge banding and need to reposition it immediately after application, you can do so before the adhesive fully cures. Hot melt adhesives offer a brief window of time where you can reposition the banding. Non-heat-activated adhesives may allow for repositioning while the adhesive is still tacky.
  3. Replacing Edge Banding: If you’ve removed edge banding and need to reapply it, it’s typically best to use new edge banding material. Applying fresh edge banding ensures a strong bond and a clean finish.

In summary, while reheating edge banding can soften the adhesive and allow for removal or repositioning in some cases, it’s generally not a reliable method for maintaining the integrity of the bond. To achieve a strong and lasting bond, especially when working on a new application or repair, it’s advisable to use new edge banding material and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper application and activation.